I am passionate about sharing what I love with others. The arc of historical change, powerful psychological theories, philosophers’ insights, the joy of moving through the world on a bicycle, plus countless restaurants, scenic views, books, records, and on it goes. The theme of all of this, what fascinates me, is the process of change.

This is what I’ve taught throughout my career. How do we learn how to read and comprehend well? How do we learn languages? How do we motivate ourselves to learn, even if we’re not that interested? How do we learn new skills? How do we change our lives? How do we share knowledge with others effectively?

I’ve lived lives as a classroom teacher, community college instructor, learning specialist, mountain bike coach, and seeker of the uncommon in the everyday.  On paper, this includes a Masters degree in psychology and a second one in teaching. I live in the city of my ancestors, Louisville, KY, nestled between the Ohio River and the foothills of Appalachia.